SecurityBulb Camera Troubleshooting

You can find here how to fix SecurityBulb camera can’t connect to wifi, offline and not working problems.

How to fix not connecting to SecurityBulb camera?

Fix can’t connect to wifi

SecurityBulb camera can not connect to wifi usually caused by the following problems, you can follow the guide below to fix the problem of not connecting to wifi.

1. Make sure the SecurityBulb camera is currently in waiting connection mode.

  • After the camera is powered on, wait for the camera to start up (about 30 seconds), the camera will send out a voice prompt ‘Camera start up is complete, waiting for the network to be added’.
  • No voice prompt, please reset the SecurityBulb camera

2. Make sure SecurityBulb camera supports your wifi.

SecurityBulb camera only supports 2.4Ghz wifi, wifi name and password support English, alphabet and numbers.

3. Please put the camera next to the router, and then connect the camera

4. Make sure your wifi password is correct

5. Change the mode to connect to SecurityBulb camera

SecurityBulb supports two modes of camera connection.

  • The camera can not scan the QR code, please try to use Quickly add.
  • If you can’t connect to AP hotspot, please try Scan code to add.

6. Reboot the router, sometimes the router fails to connect to the new device.


Voice Troubleshooting

If the above problem can not fix the wifi connection problem, please follow the SecurityBulb camera’s voice prompts to fix the problem.

Voice: Router connection failed, please reconfigure the network

It means SecurityBulb camera can’t connect to wifi, please check your wifi information and reset the camera to reconnect.

Voice: Receiving wifi information, connecting to server

It means SecurityBulb camera can’t connect to the internet, maybe the camera is too far away from the router, please get closer to the router.

Voice: Please program the ID number.

This may be a Chinese voice, SecurityBulb camera does not program ID, can not use.
We suggest you to return the camera directly, or contact your seller for support, you need a computer to fix this prob.

After SecurityBulb camera start, there is no ‘camera start up is complete, waiting for the network to add’ voice, after resetting the camera, there is no voice either.

SecurityBulb camera hardware failure, please return the camera.

How to fix SecurityBulb camera offline?

Follow these steps to fix SecurityBulb camera offline problem.

  1. Restart the SecurityBulb camera
  2. Reboot the router
  3. Reset the SecurityBulb camera to reconnect.

If the above steps can fix the camera but it is often offline, then the camera may be too far away from the router, we recommend to move closer to the router.
Or please check the following issues in order:

  1. Make sure the SecurityBulb camera has power
  2. Make sure the SecurityBulb camera is connected to the router is normal
  3. If you have changed the Wi-Fi or password, please reset the camera to reconnect
  4. SecurityBulb camera is not too far away from the router, separated by walls or other obstructions
  5. Take out the memory card, then restart the SecurityBulb camera, if the camera works normally, then it is the problem of memory card, please replace the memory card or format the memory card